Specialists Programs

Specialist teachers and programs provide extended learning opportunities
for all students.


 Mildura Primary School takes a holistic approach to our students’ social and emotional wellbeing which is closely linked with our community, culture and identity. The aim of our wellbeing focus and its integration across the curriculum is to enhance our students’ individual and collective resilience, support the continuing development of positive self regard, a clear understanding of the concepts of team work, co-operation and collaboration and a sense of belonging and connectedness to school. Our program specifically focuses on:

  • communication, changes and challenges
  • stress and coping
  • dealing with bullying and harassment
  • loss and grief
  • working with diversity
It is clearly linked with development of the “Habits of Mind”.

English as a Second Language                                                               

An ESL program operates at both the Junior and Senior school. It is small group tuition for children from families where English is not the first language. These children are given additional learning opportunities to speak and read in English.
Students will have a weekly lesson that will provide them with the opportunity to experiment and use a variety of mediums and techniques to make and create.
In the weekly Music lesson, students are encouraged to enjoy Music through listening, singing, dancing and music-making activities that focus on fun and participation.
Environmental Education
Mildura Primary School students are all involved in a school based land management project at Kings Billabong. Over past years the students have been involved in learning about and directly involved in revegetating this important habitat.
Students have one Library lesson a week and are able to borrow and return books during lesson time, before and after school and at lunchtimes as sign posted.
The program aims to encourage students to read for pleasure as well as for research, and to develop skills to locate and use information. The Library has a wide selection of books and students are introduced to a range of authors and genre.
Performing Arts
Students have one Performing Arts lesson a week which includes aspects of Dance, Drama and Music. The program aims to develop appropriate skills, knowledge and understandings with an emphasis on enjoyment and participation. Some students will be selected to join choirs for the Mildura Eisteddfod and local performances.
Students at Mildura Primary School have one specialist PE lesson each week. The school is actively involved in the district interschool program. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in community sports teams. The school takes every opportunity to participate in community based sports clinics.
Winter inter-school sport ~ football, netball, soccer, hockey, coach pitch & volleyball
School and inter-school cross country running
School and interschool athletics
Volleyball, coach pitch, t-ball and indoor cricket teams
Visiting specialist coaches
Participation in Aussie Sports clinics and programs
Specialist swimming program
Specialist tennis coaching